Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The first step

So I met with the the dietician, the nurse and the behaviorist the first day. This first day is your orientation, you get poked, prodded, measured and weighed. I began that day at 342lbs. Can we say DEPRESSING?! That day I received a gigantic binder filled with tons of information on the procedure, diet,nutrition, and exercise. I also went home with the liquid diet bag. For 2-4 weeks you are on a liquid diet...not everyone does this. The idea is to have your live smaller when they perform surgery. So when I left I was super pumped. I read the whole binder in a few days.
One week later I went back and had a class with the dietician. I also met with a doctor, the surgeon and the nurse. I was weighed and lost 13lbs!! Each week is pretty similar during the pre-op diet. You go in meet with the people and Have lab work.

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